Wordpress Security - How To Secure Your Wordpress Installation

Additionally, it is important to change admin username and your password if someone helps you with your blog and needs admin username and your password to login to do the work. After all the work is complete, admin username and your password changes. Someone in their company may not be, if the person is trustworthy. Better to be safe than sorry!

By default, the newest version of WordPress is pretty secure. Anything which may have been added to some clean hacked wordpress site plugins has been considered by the development team of WordPress . Before, WordPress did have holes but now most of them are filled up.

Protect your login credentials - Don't keep your login credentials where a hacker could locate best site them. Store them offsite, and even offline. Roboform is very good for protecting them, too. Food for thought!

In case you ever wish to migrate your site elsewhere, such as a new web host, you'd be able to pull this off without a hitch, and also without having to disturb your old site until the new one was set up and ready to roll.

So what's the best way? Out of all of the choices that are available today, which one is right for you and which route should you choose?

Oh . And by the way, I talked about plugins. Make sure it's a safe one great post to read when you get a navigate here plugin. Don't install any plugin simply because the owner is saying on his website that plugin can allow you to do this or that. Maybe use get a software engineer to analyze it, or maybe a test blog to check the plugin. This way is not a threat for your organization or you.

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